Track Functional Group

Technical Committee 1 – Roadway & Ballast

This committee is responsible for the development and publication of recommended practices and information relating to:

  • Preliminary exploration, testing, design, construction, and maintenance of railway roadbeds. This shall include soil stabilization, retaining structures and drainage.
  • Ballast types and sections.
  • Culvert types, installation and inspection.
  • Utility installation on railway rights-of-way by railways or others.
  • Fencing and roadway signs.
  • Vegetation control.
  • Tunnel design and excavation, not including lining the tunnel, which is the responsibility of Committee 8.
  • Geosynthetic materials for railway applications.


Christopher S. Moale, PE, M.Eng.

Director Engineering Testing

Genesee & Wyoming Inc.


Vice Chair

Eric J. Frostestad, PE

Sr Railroad Project Engineer




Shawn R. Coombs, PE

Federal Engineering Manager

Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.


Subcommittees and Current Assignments

Subcommittee A: Recommendations for Further Investigation and Research.

Subcommittee B: Revision of Manual.

Subcommittee 1: Roadbed

D1-1-17: Rewrite of Section 1.4.1 - Maintenance of Roadbed 

D1-2-17: Rewrite of Section 1.4.2 - Maintenance of Rock Slopes

D1-2-18: Rewrite of Section 1.4.3 – Maintenance of Earth Slopes

D1-3-18: Rewrite of Section 1.4.4 – Widening of Cuts 

D1-1-20: Develop Section 1.4.7 Methods of Sand Removal

Subcommittee 2: Ballast

D2-1-11: Re-cycled Crushed Concrete for Sub-ballast application

D2-3-17: Rewrite of Section 2.11 Sub-ballast Recommended Practice

D2-4-18: Develop recommendations for ballast electrical resistivity

D2-7-18: Develop recommendations for ballast electrical resistivity

Subcommittee 3: Natural Waterways

D3-8-18: Revise and combine Sections 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6

D3-3-20: Re-write of Section 3.2

Subcommittee 4: Culverts

D4-4-17: Rewrite of Section 4.18 Earth Boring and Jacking Culvert Pipe Through Fills 

D4-7-17: Rewrite of Section 4.1 – Location and Type 

D4-8-17: Rewrite of Section 4.11 – Hydraulics of Culverts 

D4-9-17: Rewrite of Section 4.19 – Culvert Rehabilitation 

D4-10-17: Rewrite of Section 4.20 – Specifications for Steel Tunnel Liner Plates 

D4-11-17: Rewrite of Section 4.21 – Construction of Tunnel Using Steel Tunnel Liner Plates

D4-1-18: Rewrite of Section 4.22 Culvert Inspection

D4-4-20: Re-write of Section 4.18 Culvert End Treatments

D4-1-23: Request to update 4.4, 4.5, 4.8, 4.9, 4.25, and 4.26


Subcommittee 5: Utilities

D5-5-18: Develop manual material regarding monitoring of track during construction

D5-6-18: Develop recommended practice for pipe ramming & jacking 

D5-9-18: Reorganize sections of the manual (5.7 & 5.8) dealing with trenchless technologies to make it easier for the user to understand

D5-10-18: Review and revise manual content regarding depth of cover for utilities

D5-5-20: Reorganize entire Part 5

Subcommittee 6: Fences


Subcommittee 7: Roadway Signs

D7-5-17: Reestablish the subcommittee and develop new content for this section of the manual which would be simplified material for use primarily by short line railroads and public agencies

D7-11-18: Update graphic appendix for Part 7 (Roadway Signs)

Subcommittee 8: Tunnels

D8-3-16: Develop recommendations for Pilot Tube Method of Micro-tunneling

Subcommittee 9: Vegetation Control


Subcommittee 10: Geosynthetics

C10-1-96: Develop recommended practice for the use of geosynthetics for stabilization of the track roadbed. Monitor applicable research on goesynthetics for information that will strengthen AREMA specifications. Continuing assignment.

D10-1-21 Develop a section on permanent erosion control.

D10-2-14: Create Section 10.0 Introduction to Geosynthetics

D10-2-15: Develop recommendations for use of woven geotextile fabrics

D10-6-20: Update of Section 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3