2024 Presenter Information

Papers are due for review May 3, 2024. Please upload all papers in Word (not PDF) with the following link:

Upload Papers     


PowerPoint Presentations are due for review June 7, 2024. Please upload all presentations in PowerPoint (not PDF) with the following link:

Upload Presentations

The American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) invites all interested parties to submit Papers on subjects of interest to the railway engineering community to be considered for publication and/or presentation at the AREMA Annual Conference. There is a preference for project owner participation on the Paper. Owner approval of the topic is also required for all submissions.

Trending Topics

Building an Interactive and Engaging Presentation

Learn how to speak to the senses and to put together an interactive and engaging presentation with Keith Bailey of Articulated Intelligence. In this session you’ll get exposure to the elements that make up an impactful presentation. You'll start with presentation ideation, identifying critical elements like audience participation and how to find stories that exemplify your content, which should be a part of every presentation.   You'll then jump into building a Run of Show, your presentation playbook to keep you focused and on time.  Your Run of Show informs building your deck so you'll touch on what should and should not be included in your presentation deck.  Finally, you'll wrap up with presentation delivery tips to create additional impact and memorability. 

Learning Outcomes/Training Goals: 

  • Understand the critical elements to include in every presentation
  • Learn a presentation ideation process to build a flexible framework for presentations
  • How to create your Run of Show which will guide you as you present
  • Delivery mechanics that will enhance the impact of your presentation.



Keeping your Presentation on Track

Learn how to Keep Your Presentation on Track with Keith Bailey of Articulated Intelligence. Keith will detail a four-week plan to prepare your presentation to be its best version and to become an effective and interesting speaker. Watch the webinar to learn his tips and tricks and don't forget to download the Presentation Preparation Checklist.



Important Presenter/Author Dates & Deadlines

  • December 8, 2023 Abstracts Due
  • Mid-February, 2024 Authors Notified
  • Mid-February, 2024 Authors Confirm their Participation
  • May 3, 2024 Paper Due for Review
  • June 7, 2024 PowerPoint Presentations Due for Review
  • July 8, 2024 Final Documents Due to Publication
  • August 1, 2024 Presenter Registration Deadline
  • September 15-18, 2024 AREMA 2024 Annual Conference & Expo

Platform Chats - Call for Papers Podcast

Have you ever wondered what it takes to present your project or idea at the AREMA Annual Conference? On this episode, host Walt Bleser sits down with two experts on the topic: Program Committee Chair and AREMA Senior Vice President, Trent Hudak, Director Engineering Services, BNSF Railway, and Program Committee Staff Liaison Stacy Spaulding, Senior Director, Executive and Board Operations for AREMA. The trio discusses what the Program Committee looks for in papers such as new technologies and groundbreaking solutions to old problems. They also consider what it takes to present during the General Session and the importance of inclusivity and the diversity of ideas.  If you want to know how best to position your paper for success, you won’t want to miss this episode.